Monday, July 28, 2008

Starting Up

Well this is my first post. Yayyyyyy LOL well anyways this morning I decided to take some pictures since I like photography but I haven't taken pictures in a long time. So anyway I took several pictures of our critters uh pets since I didn't have any people around, I also took some pictures of some chairs in black and white.

This is our err one of our ducks Fred. The dog catcher of all people brought him to us when a lady didn't want it anymore.

These are two of our "teenage" chickens. The one on the left is my pet Lulu. I can pick her up whenever, or just hold out my arm and she will fly up to it.

These are our two baby turkeys. We don't know if they're boys or girls so I haven't named them yet.

This is our baby chicken Butterball. He had a sibling but I accidently stepped on it. Poor chicken.

This is Lulu when she flew up on my arm.

This is our setting hen. We only got her a few weeks ago and she just started sitting on the eggs, so we just left her alone.

Poor chew toy, it never stood a chance.

This is my favorite picture. No the rocking chair is not old but it looks like it, which is why I took the photo in black and white, it gives it more character.


Erin said...

I didn't know you took pictures...those are great!! I especially like the last one! :)
Poor chew toy! We have several toys around the house that resemble that one quite a bit...only their ragged looks were caused by teething babies! :D

Elisabeth said...

Nice blog and great photos! That's neat how your hen will perch on your did she learn to do that?! Wesley's chickens have very limited talents...actually, they only, um, lay eggs. LOL ;)